Tim Cook: Apple Watch adalah Smartwatch Pertama yang Modern

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015 | 15:08

Fast Company baru saja mewawancarai CEO Apple Tim Took yang belum lama ini mengumumkan jajaran produk barunya pada awal bulan ini. Melalui penulis buku Becoming Steve Jobs, Rick Tetzeli dan Brent Shender, Fast Company bertanya banyak hal seputar Apple Watch, Steve Jobs, dan para pesaing Apple, dan banyak lainnya.

Menurut Tim Cook, Apple Watch akan menjadi smartwatch modern pertama Apple yang cara interaksinya sangat berbeda dari produk-produk lainnya, macam iPhone dan iPad, serta produk sejenis dari pesaing.

We weren’t first on the MP3 player; we weren’t first on the tablet; we weren’t first on the smartphone. But we were arguably the first modern smartphone, and we will be the first modern smartwatch—the first one that matters.

People didn’t realize they had to have an iPod, and they really didn’t realize they had to have the iPhone. And the iPad was totally panned. Critics asked, “Why do you need this?” Honestly, I don’t think anything revolutionary that we have done was predicted to be a hit when released. It was only in retrospect that people could see its value. Maybe this will be received the same way.

Beralih soal Steve Jobs (alm.), Tim Cook menganggap Steve Jobs sebagai “guru terbaik” yang pernah ia miliki. Ia lantas sangat menekankan kolaborasinya dengan Steve Jobs dalam menciptakan produk yang selaras antara hardware dan software-nya dan memberikan pengalaman yang lebih baik buat para penggunanya, tidak seperti kebanyakan produk lain, macam Android.

He’s not given credit as a teacher. But he’s the best teacher I ever had by far. There was nothing traditional about him as a teacher. But he was the best. He was the absolute best.

We’ve turned up the volume on collaboration because it’s so clear that in order for us to be incredibly successful we have to be the best collaborators in the world. The magic of Apple, from a product point of view, happens at this intersection of hardware, software, and services. It’s that intersection. Without collaboration, you get a Windows product. There’s a company that pumps out an operating system, another that does some hardware, and yet another that does something else. That’s what’s now happening in Android land. Put it all together and it doesn’t score high on the user experience.

Baca juga:

Tidak hanya itu, Tim Cook juga menuturkan banyak hal lainnya, seperti pembangunan Apple Campus 2, ruang kerja Steve Jobs yang tak terjamah selepas kepergiannya, pengalamannya memakai Apple Watch dan lain sebagainya.

Selengkapnya soal wawancara Tim Cook dengan Fast Company bisa kamu baca dengan mengakses tautan ini.

[source site_name = “Fast Company” site_url = “http://www.fastcompany.com/3042435/steves-legacy-tim-looks-ahead”][/source]

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Editor : Andri Alfansyah