Tim Cook Bicara iPhone 6s, iPad Pro, dan Penghapusan Aplikasi Bawaan iOS

Rabu, 16 September 2015 | 14:05

Pasca hadir dalam gelaran Event 9 September lalu, CEO Apple Tim Cook secara mengejutkan baru saja mengadakan penampilan publik bersama SVP of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue dan VP of iPod, iPhone, dan iOS Product Marketing Greg Joshwiak di Apple Store Fifth Avenue, New York.

Dalam perjalanan ke Apple Store, John Paczkowski dari BuzzFeed mendapatkan kesempatan mengobrol bareng Tim Cook selama kurang lebih 20 menit. Sejumlah topik menarik, seperti fitur-fitur baru iPhone 6s, isu privasi pengguna, iPad Pro dilayangkan kepada bos Apple itu.

Salah satu fitur canggih di iPhone 6s adalah 3D Touch. Tim Cook menyebutnya sebagai game changer yang akan mengubah cara orang berinteraksi dengan iPhone miliknya lebih cepat dan efisien.

“I think Live Photos is a medium that hasn’t existed before. It’s like discovering a new form.” But he’s most excited by 3D Touch. “I personally think 3D Touch is a game changer,” he says. “I find that my efficiency is way up with 3D touch, because I can go through so many emails so quickly. It really does cut out a number of navigational steps to get where you’re going.”

Ketika ditanyakan mengenai fitur baru “Hey Siri”, Tim Cook mengatakan bahwa Apple tidak memiliki akses untuk mendengarkan informasi yang ditanyakan penggunanya. Jadi pengguna dikatakannya tak perlu khawatir hak privasinya dilanggar.

“First you can decide you don’t want Hey Siri,” Cook responds. “But the real answer to that is that the information is held on the device and so it is not going back to Apple. Apple doesn’t have access to it. So there’s not privacy concerns I think, for most people, when the information is held on their device and they can encrypt it with their passcode.”

Mendekati toko ritel Apple, John Paczkowski menanyakan soal iPad Pro yang akan membuat pengguna berhenti membeli atau bahkan tidak lagi menggunakan komputer Mac. Berikut jawaban Tim Cook:

“I think that some people will never buy a computer,” Cook says. “Because I think now we’re at the point where the iPad does what some people want to do with their PCs.” Cook is quick to point out, however, that this doesn’t foreshadow the end of the Mac. “I think there are other people — like myself — that will continue to buy a Mac and that it will continue to be a part of the digital solution for us,” he adds. “I see the Mac being a key part of Apple for the long term and I see growth in the Mac for the long term.”

Pertanyaan selanjutnya yang diajukan adalah mengenai aplikasi bawaan iOS yang jarang digunakan pengguna. Tim Cook menyatakan bahwa hal itu merupakan hal yang sangat komplek karena banyak aplikasi yang saling terhubung. Meski begitu Tim Cook menjanjikan untuk menghadirkan solusinya supaya pengguna bisa menghapusnya.

“This is a more complex issue than it first appears,” he says. “There are some apps that are linked to something else on the iPhone. If they were to be removed they might cause issues elsewhere on the phone. There are other apps that aren’t like that. So over time, I think with the ones that aren’t like that, we’ll figure out a way [for you to remove them]. … It’s not that we want to suck up your real estate; we’re not motivated to do that. We want you to be happy. So I recognize that some people want to do this, and it’s something we’re looking at.”

Baca juga:

Masih ada beberapa pertanyaan menarik yang ditanyakan John Paczkowski selama 20 menit sebelum dan sesampainya Tim Cook ke Apple Store di Fifth Avenue, seperti program upgrade iPhone dan Live Photos.

Sesampainya Tim Cook di Apple Store Fifth Avenue, kamu bisa melihat ramainya pengunjung yang memadati di depan pintunya. Suasana menjadi sangat ramai, ketika Tim Cook turun tangga ke lantai bawah Apple Store. Baik para pengunjung dan pegawai Apple Store saling berebut mengambil foto selfie bareng Tim Cook.

Selengkapnya mengenai kunjungan Tim Cook ke Apple Store Fifth Avenue bisa simak di tautan ini.

[source site_name = “BuzzFeed” site_url = “http://www.buzzfeed.com/johnpaczkowski/twenty-minutes-with-tim-cook#.tdVXDpBvL”][/source]

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Editor : Andri Alfansyah