Tim Cook Bicara Warisan DNA Steve Jobs, HomePod, AR, Bareng Bloomberg

Jumat, 16 Juni 2017 | 13:51

Bloomberg Businessweek baru saja mempublikasikan sebagian potongan wawancara lengkap yang dilakukannya minggu lalu dengan CEO Apple Tim Cook mengenai topik-topik menarik seputar Apple. Sejumlah di antaranya adalah mengenai warisan DNA dari Steve Jobs, HomePod, Augmented Reality (AR), dan lainnya.

Tim Cook mengatakan bahwa warisan DNA dari Steve Jobs yang meninggal dunia pada 2011 lalu saat ini masih menjadi dasar di perusahaan yang dipimpinnya. 50 tahun atau 100 tahun ke depan, warisan DNA-nya akan tetap ada hingga kapan pun.

Steve’s DNA will always be the base for Apple. It’s the case now. I want it to be the case in 50 years, whoever’s the CEO. I want it to be the case in 100 years, whoever’s CEO. Because that is what this company is about. His ethos should drive that—the attention to detail, the care, the ­simplicity, the focus on the user and the user experience, the focus on building the best, the focus that good isn’t good enough, that it has to be great, or in his words, “insanely great,” that we should own the proprietary technology that we work with because that’s the only way you can control your future and control your quality and user experience.

Meskipun banyak perubahan yang sudah terjadi di perusahaannya, Tim Cook mengatakan bahwa konstitusi Apple tidak seharusnya berubah. Tapi seperti Bintang Utara yang tetap sama.

Beralih soal HomePod, Tim Cook ditanya apakah menurutnya konsumen bakal benar-benar membayar $349 untuk speaker pintar tersebut. Dia menjawab bahwa Apple membuat produk yang bakal diinginkan konsumen seperti iPod, iPhone, dan iPad–yang juga punya harga jual mahal.

If you remember when the iPod was introduced, a lot of people said, “Why would anybody pay $399 for an MP3 player?” And when iPhone was announced, it was, “Is anybody gonna pay”—whatever it was at that time—“for an iPhone?” The iPad went through the same thing. We have a pretty good track record of giving people something that they may not have known that they wanted.

Audio is still really important in all age groups, not just for kids. We’re hitting on something people will be delighted with. It’s gonna blow them away. It’s gonna rock the house.

Baca juga:

Tim Cook juga menyinggung soal teknologi Augmented Reality yang menjadi minat Apple selanjutnya. Menurutnya AR adalah teknologi yang memberikan pengalaman seru hingga membuatnya ingin berteriak tanpa merinci lebih jauh teknologi AR yang dikerjakan Apple. Namun sebagai awal, dukungan teknologinya sudah hadir di iOS 11.

I think it is profound. I am so excited about it, I just want to yell out and scream. The first step in making it a mainstream kind of experience is to put it in the operating system. We’re building it into iOS 11, opening it to ­developers—and unleashing the creativity of millions of people. Even we can’t predict what’s going to come out.

Pokok bahasan yang dibicarakan Tim Cook dan Bloomberg Businessweek masih cukup banyak, seperti soal pajak repatriasi, lapangan pekerjaan, kebijakan Presiden Donald Trump soal lingkungan, dan komentarnya soal Apple yang bukan lagi perusahaan inovatif. Wawancara Tim Cook selengkapnya rencananya bakal hadir di majalah Busineesweek, tanggal 19 Juni mendatang.

[source site_name = “Bloomberg” site_url = “https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-06-15/apple-s-tim-cook-on-donald-trump-the-homepod-and-the-legacy-of-steve-jobs”][/source]

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