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Apple Mengadakan WWDC 2012 Pada Bulan Juni Ini

Fauzan Alfi - Rabu, 25 April 2012 | 22:45
Apple Mengadakan WWDC 2012 Pada Bulan Juni Ini

Sudah menjadi tradisi, Apple akan mengadakan Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2012 pada tanggal 11-15 Juni 2012 di San Francisco.

Seperti biasa, WWDC 2012 akan diadakan di Moscone West, San Francisco, AS. Untuk dapat menghadiri WWDC, kamu harus terdaftar sebagai member di Mac Developer Program, iOS Developer Program, dan iOS Developer Entreprise Program. WWDC tahun ini adalah WWDC pertama pasca meninggalnya sang legenda, Steve Jobs. WWDC 2011 merupakan event terakhir baginya dan menjadi momentum di mana Steve Jobs memberikan konsep ‘cloud’ untuk satu dekade selanjutnya, melanjutkan konsepnya mengenai komputer sebagai Digital Hub dilontarkan di tahun 2001.

Pada WWDC 2012, semua peserta akan diajak untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai masa depan dari iOS dan OS X, termasuk OS X Mountain Lion. Di sana pun, terdapat 100 technical session yang dapat dinikmati oleh peserta WWDC. Sesi dibagi atas 5 kategori besar, antara lain: Essentials, App Services, Developer Tools, Graphics, Media and Games, Safari and Web, dan Core OS.

Tidak ketinggalan, Apple Design Awards (ADA), untuk aplikasi yang keren secara desain, penggunaan dan teknologi yang digunakan. Tiga kriteria utama untuk ADA tahun ini adalah well-designed, state of the art, dan innovative. ADA terbuka bagi aplikasi OS X dan iOS. Bagi kamu, mahasiswa, yang ingin mendapat beasiswa untuk menghadiri WWDC, seperti tahun sebelumnya Apple menyediakan scholarship untuk hadir di WWDC dengan syarat dan ketentuan tertentu.

Dengan tema membahas masa depan iOS dan OS X, tampaknya Apple bakal membahas iOS 6 selain juga membahas OS X Mountain Lion yang akan dirilis akhir musim panas tahun ini. Belum ada tanda-tanda jika Apple akan meluncurkan perangkat baru di sana, tapi kemungkinan itu bisa saja terjadi dan seperti biasa, MakeMac akan adakan livetweeting selama WWDC 2012 Keynote berlangsung. :D

Berikut rilis berita yang diterbitkan Apple mengenai WWDC2012:

CUPERTINO, California—April 25, 2012—Apple® today announced that it will hold its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) June 11 through June 15 at San Francisco’s Moscone West. At this year’s five-day conference, developers will learn about the future of iOS and OS X®, allowing them to build incredible new apps. WWDC will also feature more than 100 technical sessions presented by Apple engineers as well as the popular Apple Design Awards, a showcase of the most outstanding apps from the past year.

“We have a great WWDC planned this year and can’t wait to share the latest news about iOS and OS X Mountain Lion with developers,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “The iOS platform has created an entirely new industry with fantastic opportunities for developers across the country and around the world.”

Developers will be able to explore the latest innovations, features and capabilities of iOS and OS X Mountain Lion and learn how to greatly enhance the functionality, performance, quality and design of their apps. Developers can even bring their code to the labs and work with Apple engineers, applying development techniques and best-practices to enhance their apps.

Activities at Apple’s WWDC 2012 include:

  • more than 100 technical sessions presented by Apple engineers on a wide range of technology-specific topics for developing, deploying and integrating the latest iOS and OS X technologies;
  • 100 hands-on labs staffed by more than 1,000 Apple engineers providing developers with code-level assistance, insight into optimal development techniques and guidance on how they can make the most of iOS and OS X technologies in their apps;
  • the opportunity to connect with thousands of fellow iOS and OS X developers from around the world—last year more than 60 countries were represented;
  • engaging and inspirational lunchtime sessions with leading minds and influencers from the worlds of technology, science and entertainment; and
  • Apple Design Awards which recognize iPhone®, iPad® and Mac® apps that demonstrate technical excellence, innovation and outstanding design.
Please go to the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2012 website ( to purchase tickets, as well as for updates and more information.

Developers who are unable to attend this year’s conference can access and watch all technical sessions from the Apple Developer website ( as soon as they are posted for free.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.

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