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Pemberlakuan Program Uji Coba OS X Mavericks Buat Pegawai Apple Store

Hendra Saputra - Rabu, 19 Juni 2013 | 14:28
Pemberlakuan Program Uji Coba OS  X Mavericks Buat Pegawai Apple Store

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas OS X Mavericks, Apple memberlakukan program uji coba buat para pegawai Apple Store, khususnya Genius.

Apple sendiri diketahui telah mengirimkan email terkait pelaksanaan program tersebut kepada para pegawainya, berikut ini isinya via 9to5mac:

You are invited to participate in the pre-release OS X Mavericks seed program. Participation, including submitting feedback, is completely voluntary and not an expectation of your job. If you accept, we will provide you with a pre-release version of OS X Mavericks to install and use. You will get to preview all of the exciting new features like iBooks, Maps, Calendar, Safari, iCloud Keychain, Multiple Displays, Notifications, Finder Tabs, Tags, and much more! You should use OS X Mavericks only your personal computer and on your personal time. Apple will provide you with ways to submit feedback on your experiences with OS X Mavericks, should you choose to do so. Apple also asks that you use future builds of OS X Mavericks as they are made available. The responses from prior seed programs have been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Dasar dari pelaksanaan program ini tentu saja untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan performa dari OS X Mavericks. Pasalnya, tentu saja tidak ada yang lebih tahu mengenai produk Apple dibanding para Genius dan pegawai Apple itu sendiri bukan?

Program seperti ini bukan yang pertama kali dilakukan Apple. Tahun lalu ketika akan merilis Mountain Lion, Apple juga memberlakukan program yang sama buat para pegawai Apple Storenya.

[source site_name = “9to5mac” site_url = “”][/source]

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