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Mengharukan! Kisah Tim Cook Donorkan Livernya Buat Steve Jobs

Andri Alfansyah - Jumat, 13 Maret 2015 | 15:04
Mengharukan! Kisah Tim Cook Donorkan Livernya Buat Steve Jobs

Buku Becoming Steve Jobs karya Brent Schlender dan Rick Tetzeli baru akan meluncur pada akhir bulan Maret mendatang, namun previewnya sudah muncul di Amazon dan mengungkap hal-hal menarik yang belum pernah diketahui sebelumnya soal Steve Jobs (alm.) dan Tim Cook.

Seperti dilansir dari Cult of Mac, dalam suatu pratinjau, Tim Cook diceritakan sangat peduli pada Steve Jobs dan menawarkan sebagian hatinya (liver) untuk ditransplantasikan buat bosnya yang saat itu tengah didera penyakit kanker.

One afternoon, Cook left the house feeling so upset that he had his own blood tested. He found out that he, like Steve, had a rare blood type, and guessed that it might be the same. He started doing research, and learned that it is possible to transfer a portion of a living person’s liver to someone in need of a transplant. About 6,000 living-donor transplants are performed every year in the United States, and the rate of success for both donor and recipient is high. The liver is a regenerative organ. The portion transplanted into the recipient will grow to a functional size, and the portion of the liver that the donor gives up will also grow back.

Tim Cook pun sangat senang untuk mengabarkan bahwa tranplantasi hatinya cocok buat Steve Jobs. Namun Steve Jobs menolak tawaran Tim Cook tersebut.

“Somebody that’s selfish,” Cook continues, “doesn’t reply like that. I mean, here’s a guy, he’s dying, he’s very close to death because of his liver issue, and here’s someone healthy offering a way out. I said, ‘Steve, I’m perfectly healthy, I’ve been checked out. Here’s the medical report. I can do this and I’m not putting myself at risk, I’ll be fine.’ And he doesn’t think about it. It was not, ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ It was not, ‘I’ll think about it.’ It was not, ‘Oh, the condition I’m in …’ It was, ‘No, I’m not doing that!’ He kind of popped up in bed and said that. And this was during a time when things were just terrible. Steve only yelled at me four or five times during the 13 years I knew him, and this was one of them.”

Baca juga:

Bukan hanya soal kepedulian Tim Cook saja yang menarik, pratinjau buku itu mengungkap rencana Steve Jobs untuk membeli Yahoo!, wacana kehadiran Apple TV, dan juga tahun-tahun Steve Jobs berada di NeXT. Semuanya tidak ada dalam buku Steve Jobs sebelumnya karya Walter Isaccson. Kamu bisa membeli buku Becoming Steve Jobs di iBooks dengan harga $14,99 pada tanggal 24 Maret nanti.

[source site_name = “Cult of Mac” site_url = “”][/source]

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