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Apple Watch Membantu Seorang Nenek Memanggil Bantuan Usai Kecelakaan

Nicolaus Prama - Kamis, 27 Juni 2019 | 17:13
Fitur Fall Detection

Fitur Fall Detection

He immediately called his sister, who — after receiving the message herself — rushed to her mother’s side. “It was really helpful to get that message,” James White said. “I knew mom was all set at that point.”

Dotty menderita patah tulang di beberapa bagian, namun ia bersukur Apple Watch mampu membantunya.

Fitur Fall Detection adalah fitur baru yang disematkan pada Apple Watch 4 dan otomatis aktif pada pengguna dengan umur di atas 65 tahun.

Editor : Bagus Hernawan

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