Senior Cardiac Nurse at the British Heart Foundation, Ashleigh Li noted how devices like Apple Watch could “revolutionize” how heart conditions are diagnosed. “As Paul’s story shows, they offer huge potential for spotting signs of an irregular heartbeat before a person is having noticeable symptoms.”Jika terlambat, maka kondisi jantung Paul akan semakin memburuk dan menyebabkan sistem pemompaan darah yang tidak efektif.
Baca Juga: Apple Watch Membantu Seorang Nenek Memanggil Bantuan Usai Kecelakaan
“*However, more research is needed to determine how we can put the data generated by these devices to best use.”*Senior Cardiac Nurse at the British Heart Foundation, Ashleigh Li.Sistem deteksi detak jantung ini sebenarnya sudah terpasang sejak generasi pertama Apple Watch dirilis.
Namun baru pada Apple Watch 4 sistem ECG ini diterapkan.