Pekan lalu Apple telah merilis update iOS 13 untuk pengguna umum.
Tidak perlu waktu lama, update versi berikutnya yaitu iOS 13.1 kini sudah dapat diunduh.
Dari catatan yang diberikan, iOS 13.1 mengenalkan beberapa fitur baru dan sejumlah perbaikan penting.
Pertama adalah peningkatan fitur AirDrop khususnya untuk pengguna iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro dan iPhone 11 Pro Max.
Fitur AirDrop punya peningkatan di bagian akurasi untuk memilih penerima dokumen berkat bantuan hardware Apple U1 di produk iPhone tahun 2019.
Setelah itu ada peningkatan di aplikasi Maps. Kini Maps mendukung mode ETA alias Estimated Time of Arrival untuk dibagikan kepada keluarga atau teman yang perlu mengetahui keberadaan kamu sepanjang perjalanan.
Selain itu iOS 13.1 juga memberikan beberapa fitur baru di mode Battery. Antara lain adalah mendukung ‘Battery Throttling’ di keluarga iPhone tahun 2018 (XS, XS Max, XR) dan Optimized Battery Charging.
Aplikasi lain yang juga mendapatkan fitur baru adalah Shortcut.
Yaitu di bagian rekomendasi automatisasi, Personal dan Home Automations, serta dukungan Shortcut untuk app Home di tab Automation.
Baca Juga: Cara Hapus dan Atur Aplikasi di Home Screen iOS 13 dan iPadOS
Perbaikan di iOS 13.1
Dikutip dari Apple Support, berikut ini catatan perbaikan yang diberikan pada iOS 13.1:- Adds a link to the Me tab in Find My to allow a guest to sign in and locate a missing device
- Includes notifications for when the display on your iPhone is unable to be verified as a new, genuine Apple display in iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max
- Addresses issues in Mail that could cause incorrect download counts, missing senders and subjects, difficulty selecting or flagging threads, duplicate notifications or overlapping fields
- Fixes an issue in Mail that may prevent background downloading of email messages
- Addresses an issue that could prevent Memoji from correctly tracking facial expressions in Messages
- Fixes an issue where photos might not display in the Messages details view
- Fixes an issue in Reminders that prevented some users from sharing iCloud lists
- Resolves an issue in Notes where Exchange notes may not show up in search results
- Addresses an issue in Calendar where birthday events could appear multiple times
- Addresses an issue that could prevent third-party sign in screens from appearing in the Files app
- Fixes an issue that could cause Camera orientation to appear rotated when swiping to it from the Lock screen
- Addresses an issue that could cause the display to sleep while interacting with the Lock screen
- Resolves issues where app icons could appear as blank or as a different app on the Home screen
- Resolves an issue that could prevent supported wallpapers from switching appearances when changing between Light and Dark modes
- Addresses stability issues when signing out of iCloud from Passwords & Accounts in Settings
- Fixes an issue where signing in to update Apple ID settings could fail repeatedly
- Fixes an issue that could prevent the device from vibrating when connecting to a charger
- Addresses an issue that could cause people and groups in the Share Sheet to appear blurred
- Fixes an issue that could prevent alternate words from displaying when tapping on a misspelled word
- Resolves an issue where multilingual typing could stop working
- Addresses an issue that could prevent switching back to the QuickType keyboard after using a third-party keyboard
- Fixes an issue that could prevent the edit menu from appearing when selecting text
- Fixes an issue where Siri may not read Messages in CarPlay
- Addresses an issue that could prevent sending a message using third party messaging apps in CarPlay