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Game Fortnite Raih Pendapatan $630 Juta Setelah 2 Tahun di iOS

Nicolaus Prama - Jumat, 17 Mei 2019 | 18:00
Game Fortnite di iOS

Game Fortnite di iOS

Combined player spending in these five titles in the first quarter of 2019 reached $476 million globally, led by PUBG Mobile with $148 million or about 31 percent of the total. This was an increase of nearly 63 percent quarter-over-quarter from $91 million in 4Q18, when PUBG Mobile accounted for about 19 percent of spending among the five titles. Fortnite for iOS saw its share of revenue decrease to 25 percent last quarter from 34 percent in 4Q18, with spending down 26 percent Q/Q to approximately $119.4 million.

Fortnite menjadi game bergenre Battle Royale dengan pendapatan terbesar di iOS, mengingat pesaing lainnya juga hadir di platform mobile lain.

Baca Juga: Apple Undang Developer Game untuk Kerjasama di Apple Arcade

Namun, sebentar lagi mereka akan kedatangan penantang baru di iOS yaitu Apex Legends.

Menurut rencana, game Apex Legends ini akan berekspansi pada mobile gaming dan menargetkan pasar iOS.

Apakah kamu seorang pemain Fortnite?

Editor : MakeMac

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