Kepala Marketing, Phil Schiller akan mengambil posisinya untuk sementara waktu.
Menanggapi pengunduran dirinya, Apple juga menyampaikan pernyataan resmi.
Dalam pernyataan resminya, Apple menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih karena perannya dalam berbagai momen, mulai dari iPhone pertama hingga AirPods.
Apple menyebut tanpa usahanya, tidak ada perhelatan Apple yang berjalan lancar.
Baca Juga: Merayakan Jony Ive Mundur Dari Apple Menurut Pandangan Desainer
Saat ini Apple tengah mencari pengganti Steve Dowling.
Berikut pernyataan lengkap Steve
After 16 years at Apple, countless keynotes, product launches and the occasional PR crisis, I’ve decided that the time is right for me to step away from our remarkable company. This is something that has been on my mind for a while, and it came into sharp focus during the latest — and for me, last — launch cycle. Your plans are set and the team is executing brilliantly as ever. So, it’s time.Phil will be managing the team on an interim basis starting today, and I’ll be available through the end of October to help with the transition. After that, I plan to take a good, long stretch of time off before trying something new. At home I have a supportive, patient spouse in Petra and two beautiful children blossoming into their teen years. I‘m looking forward to creating more memories with the three of them while I have the chance.
My loyalty to Apple and its people knows no bounds. Working with Tim and this team, accomplishing all we have done together, has been the highlight of my career. I want to thank you for your hard work, your patience and your friendship. And I wish you every success.
I will always bleed six colors.