Saat itu Apple dan IBM jadi penguasa pasar komputer pribadi di Amerika Serikat.
Kekecewaan Jobs ini sempat ia ceritakan pada penulis buku biografinya, Walter Isaacson.
Saat itu seorang wartawan bernama Mike Moritz mendatanginya untuk menulis profil tentang dirinya.
Jobs dan Moritz ada di usia yang sama saat itu, 27 tahun. Tapi nasib kedua orang ini sungguh berbeda.
Jobs menilai Moritz sedikit cemburu dengan prestasi yang sudah diraihnya sehingga membuat tulisan yang sedikit buruk tentang dirinya.
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Hasilnya pihak editor memutuskan untuk tidak memberikan gelar ‘Man of the Year’ untuk Jobs.
As Jobs told his biographer Walter Isaacson: “Time decided they were going to make me Man of the Year, and I was 27, so I actually cared about stuff like that. I thought it was pretty cool. They sent out [journalist and later venture capitalist] Mike Moritz to write a story. We’re the same age, and I had been very successful, and I could tell he was jealous and there was an edge to him. He wrote this terrible hatchet job. So the editors in New York get this story and say, ‘We can’t make this guy Man of the Year.’ That really hurt. But it was a good lesson. It taught me to never get too excited about things like that, since the media is a circus anyway. They FedExed me the magazine, and I remember opening the package, thoroughly expecting to see my mug on the cover, and it was this computer sculpture thing. I thought, ‘Huh?’ And then I read the article, and it was so awful that I actually cried.”Isaacson menyangkal bahwa Time berencana menjadikan Jobs penerima gelar tersebut. Sang editor, Ray Cave, juga mengaku tidak berniat memberi gelar itu untuk Jobs.
Sejak saat itu Jobs tidak lagi fokus dengan hal-hal semacam itu. Baginya semua itu hanyalah permainan media. (*)
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