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Niantic Hentikan Dukungan Apple Watch Untuk Bermain Pokemon GO

Nicolaus Prama - Minggu, 02 Juni 2019 | 09:49
Aplikasi Pokemon GO di Apple Watch

Aplikasi Pokemon GO di Apple Watch

Pokémon GO is officially ending support for Apple Watch devices. Trainers using Apple Watch will no longer be able to connect their Apple Watch to Pokémon GO after July 1, 2019.

Because Adventure Sync allows Trainers the option of tracking their steps, earning Buddy Candy, and hatching Eggs in one mobile device rather than 2 separate devices, we want to focus on building Adventure Sync so that Trainers will no longer have to split their gameplay between 2 devices

Niantic akan resmi menghentikan dukungan mulai 1 Juli 2019 mendatang dan mulai menghimbau Trainer untuk mengaktifkan fitur Adventure Sync di ponsel masing-masing.

Editor : MakeMac

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